Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Same Ministry, New Dimension

After two years of praying for direction, the Lord has answered my prayers.  I felt the urging of the Holy Spirit to do more, but I also knew Teen Challenge is where I needed to be.  I was confused!  (That is not hard to do). 

Through what I can only describe as his clear leading and confirmation, I am going back to school. As I mentioned in my earlier blog, I will be attending Liberty University, Graduate School of Counseling to work on my Master's in Professional Counseling.  I will continue doing what I love while in school: serving the guys at Teen Challenge Prayer Mountain Boys Academy.  I love working in school, driving the bus, fixing IT issues, coaching the guys, and even writing discipleship curriculum.

Ultimately I would love to continue to do what I do daily, counseling the guys, but on a professional level.  It is so exciting to come along side a young man who is allowing the Lord to work in his heart, and be a part of life transformation!  The Lord is already opening doors, and I am very anxious to see what he does over the next year and a half.

As you read this, please say a short prayer for me to be able to manage my time wisely, and balance work, school and family.  You may not see much of me on Facebook, and I will likely write fewer blogs as I will be buried in grad work, but rest assured I will pop up from time to time, especially during semester breaks! 

