Sunday, May 1, 2011

Blessed be the Name of the Lord

In the early morning hours of Thursday, April 28th, 2011 a record setting system of tornadoes tore through the American South.  I heard terrifying stories and saw unimaginable destruction all around my own community.  It was nothing short of awe inspiring.

After surveying the devastation, most people ask, "why?"  Usually their eyes are pointed upwards, and we all look to God for answers.  Why did he let this happen?  The short answer is: we really don't know.  As Job said, "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away; blessed be the name of the Lord." (paraphrased). only God sees the beginning and the end; only God can truly fathom the purpose of tragedy; only God knows why he directed the tornadoes in exactly the way he did. 

I don't want to make light of people's suffering, but even in our human understanding we can see some benefits that come out of this tragedy:
1) People will be more prepared for natural disasters;
2) Many homeowners may get much needed repairs or replacements of things on thier home for the cost of an insurance deductable;
3) Some people may have been burdened by a mortgage or rent they couldn't afford before losing their home, and now they have a chance for a few months of relief until their finances improve;
4) Some businesses may have been burdened by inventory that didn't sell or facilities in need of an upgrade, and now they can receive both.

Finally, maybe it takes times like these to teach us about our relationship with God.  When it seems like we have nothing to be thankful for, do we still love God for being God, or just when we are blessed?  I hope that we all can find a depth in our relationship with the Father that looks at tragedy and says like Job, "The Lord gves and the Lord takes away; Blessed be the Name of the Lord!"

1 comment:

  1. I think this is the HARDEST part of faith and a relationship with God. It's so hard to hear that "all things work out for good" and "his timing is perfect" and other well used phrases when there seems to be no good reason for certain things to happen. I think that there should be more worship songs about the bad stuff and how we still stand in awe of God and serve Him when he doesn't show up the way we hoped or when it doesn't feel like we're under His wing. Then maybe we would be more prepared for how to deal with our faith when the "right" thing doesn't happen! Although, I think church services wouldn't be as peppy:)
